Welcome to the Kirk Erectors Photo Gallery. Here you can browse through some of our current and past projects. To view more photos in that set, click on any of the pictures.
Name: 2 cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: Pennsylvania
Name: 4 Cell Douglas-Fir New Tower
Location: East Chicago, IN
Name: 6 cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: San Jose, CA
Name: 17 cell repair / fill replacements
Location: Minnesota
Name: 4 cell Crossflow online replacement
Location: Indiana
Name: 2 - 10 cell towers fill and fan deck replacements
Location: Washington
Name: 3 Cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: Texas
Name: 3 cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: Pennsylvania
Name: 5 cell FRP Tower / Mechanicals & Fill Replacements
Location: Mississippi
Name:5 Cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: Ontario Canada
Name: 5 Cell Crossflow Tower / Wood to FRP Conversions
Location: Pennsylvania
Name: Air Cooler / Wind Screen Installation
Location: California
Name: 14 cell FRP New Tower Erection Services
Location: Ohio
Name: 1 cell FRP New Tower Erection
Location: Wisconsin
Name: 12 cell FRP New Tower Erection Services
Location: Pennsylvania
Name: Cooling Tower Air Inlet Winterization Screens
Location: Illinois
Name: ACC Wind Screen Installation
Location: Massachusetts
Name: 4 Cell Crossflow Tower / Wood to FRP Conversions
Location: Contra Costa County, California
Name: Crossflow Tower / Hot Water Deck Replacements
Location: Coshocton County, Ohio
Name: 8 cell FRP New Tower Erection Services
Location: Ohio
Name: 8 cell FRP New Tower Installation
Location: Saskatchewan, Canada
Name: 2 Cell Concrete / FRP New Tower Installation
Location: Minnesota
Name: 2 - 16 Cell Plume Abated FRP New Tower Installations
Location: British Columbia